Your support on the journey of expansion, self-discovery and self-liberation


Intuitive coaching

Intuitive coaching sessions offer personalized support and support if you are on a journey of self-discovery and want to open deeper levels within yourself and discover your spiritual nature. Using intuitive knowledge and intuition, I help you gain clarity, set goals that align with your heart, and overcome challenges with confidence. Each session creates itself in the moment, and during the session we use breathing practices, meditations, various exercises, concepts that open authenticity, etc. according to your theme and energy. I am mainly a coach for women who have become aware of their spiritual nature, want to discover themselves on a deeper level and start living their lives according to their heart. Intuitive coaching allows you to get to know yourself deeply, develop spiritually, understand your deepest values, unique talents and strengths and achieve balance, inner peace and satisfaction.


Root cause therapy

Root cause therapy is a way to solve the root causes of one’s limiting beliefs, restrictive patterns, negative behaviors and symptoms, which allows them to disappear for good. Root cause therapy helps to clear unfinished or unprocessed emotions and traumatic events stuck in the subconscious and body, as well as related limiting beliefs and restrictive behavior patterns. In addition to the conscious mind (regular consciousness), the unconscious mind (subconscious) and the higher self (superconscious) are involved, with which the facilitator mediates communication. Because the work is done on all levels – mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual, this therapy offers a holistic and comprehensive experience that results not in short-term change or symptom relief, but in the ultimate resolution of patterns and issues.


Holosomatic breath journeys

Holosomatic breathing journeys offer a transcendent journey into oneself. You will have the opportunity to dive deep into body awareness through intense breathing that harmonizes mind, body and spirit, releasing a deep sense of peace and presence within you. Holosomatic Breathing is a holistic therapeutic approach that combines ancient spiritual wisdom with modern understandings of breathing techniques, transpersonal psychology, quantum healing and somatic therapies. It is a powerful method designed to awaken your life force energy, allowing you to remove blockages, address trauma and overcome limiting beliefs, and create harmony within your physical, emotional and spiritual being.

Client love

You can purchase and book services in two ways

You can conveniently book clarity calls and single sessions through Calendly.
You can purchase packages through the e-shop.
If you want to pay in installments for any service, please let me know.

Deep connection with yourself

We often look outside for what we lack inside, but real change always comes from the inside out. So connection with yourself is the foundation of everything.

Renewed self-belief

Rediscover your inner brilliance, strength and faith in your abilities and talents.

Inner peace

Leave anxiety and burnout behind and cultivate a sense of peace and balance.

Align with your soul

Find clarity on your life path and move forward guided by inspiration and heart.

Are you ready to start the journey?

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