Intuitive coaching

Intuitive coaching


Intuitive coaching is a modality that focuses on awakening a person’s inner wisdom and intuition and using it to support personal and professional development. I will help you deepen your connection with your intuition and body, so you can make informed choices and find solutions that are in line with your deepest heart’s desires. This method combines traditional coaching techniques with intuitive practices such as meditation, visualization and introspection to promote holistic and balanced growth. Compared to other coaching modalities, intuitive coaching does not focus so much on achieving external goals, but first helps to reestablish the connection with your heart and intuition in order to distinguish the wants of the ego from the soul’s true desires.

Intuitive coaching is a modality that focuses on awakening a person’s inner wisdom and intuition and using it to support personal and professional development. I will help you deepen your connection with your intuition and body, so you can make informed choices and find solutions that are in line with your deepest heart’s desires. This method combines traditional coaching techniques with intuitive practices such as meditation, visualization and introspection to promote holistic and balanced growth. Compared to other coaching modalities, intuitive coaching does not focus so much on achieving external goals, but first helps to reestablish the connection with your heart and intuition in order to distinguish the wants of the ego from the soul’s true desires.

Some topics I can support you with in intuitive coaching:

  • unlocking authenticity;
  • restoring self-love and inner radiance;
  • connecting with heart’s desires;
  • connecting with intuition;
  • connecting with emotions and body;
  • finding your unique talents and magic;
  • discovering (remembering) your dharma.

If you feel called with another topic of your own, get in touch and let’s discuss!

I am mainly a coach for women who have become aware of their spiritual nature, want to discover themselves on a deeper level and start living their lives according to their heart. Intuitive coaching allows you to get to know yourself deeply, develop spiritually, understand your deepest values, unique talents and strengths and achieve balance, inner peace and satisfaction.

I approach the sessions in a multifaceted way, that is, depending on the topic, we include the unconscious mind (in addition to the conscious mind), and the body, emotional and spiritual dimensions, as needed. During the session I use breathing practices, meditations, somatic exercises, concepts of discovering one’s authenticity, etc depending on the topic and energy.

PS! If we have not yet communicated and discussed your intentions, please book a free clarity call here first: 🙂

See you soon!


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Intuitive coaching
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