My mission is to help cycle breakers break free, expand and find dharma

Hey! I am Nele Suurmetsfounder, CEO, Healer & Coach at Expand with Nele

Since I was little, I have been interested in human development, expansion, relationships and psychology, but life took me to university to study law instead. Having worked for some time in one of the best-known law firms in Estonia, I began to realize that such self-sacrificing hustle and striving for corporate goals is not for me. My body and soul kept telling me that I was in the wrong place and that life doesn’t have to be all about working hard, that it’s actually possible to create your own kind of life that you truly enjoy. Already at the law firm I started talking about how we should be able to use our talents and strengths, not each of us be pressured to achieve the same goals and hustle mindlessly to create more & more billable hours.
At the age of 30, I discovered breathwork, and over time I realized that I had lived my whole life in survival mode, in a state of constant anxiety. My childhood lacked stability and security, so I saw chaos as normal, and authentic self-expression was a huge challenge to my system since it felt unsafe. I realized that anxiety had been my base state and due to my past I was constantly putting myself in situations where I couldn’t be myself and my nervous system could continue in “fight or flight” mode – high stress work environment, toxic relationships and consuming a lot of alcohol to “escape” all of this, trying to find the peace and relaxation that my body so desperately needed.
As my nervous system began to heal, more and more resources became available in me to look deep within myself and figure out what I really wanted. My consciousness began to expand and I began to see the abundance of possibilities and the magic of life. Thanks to this, I began to understand more and more that the state of constant stress and urgency of the law firm was not supportive to my feminine nature, and finally the desire to make a huge change in life became too big to ignore. After years of living under pressure, I had found inner peace and felt that I wanted to help others reach this state as well, to discover the depths of their soul, and create their own path in life that is uniquely wonderful and fulfilling for them.
Most of the time I did it all alone (until I found coaches and mentors who accelerated my growth exponentially) and it has been the hardest and most important journey of my life. By now I know that the obstacles and difficulties we have overcome are also a layer of our dharma. I realize that all of this prepared me to be able to support other women on a similar journey.

I want to live in a world where every soul can freely express themselves and their creations, because there is nothing more satisfying than creating and enjoying your life exactly in your own unique way. This is how our unique magic can reveal itself. And I’m inspired to contribute as much as I can to this cause. My vision is to be your support, a mirror and your greatest cheerleader, so that you can more smoothly and painlessly discover the magic hidden in your soul, and move towards the life of your dreams!

My education

Root Cause Therapy Level 1 & 2: The Centre for Healing, mai 2024
Certified Soul Purpose and Spiritual Life Coach: The Highest Self Institute, aprill 2024
Life Alchemy and Energy Psychology: Osho Darshan Institute, oktoober 2023
Holosomatic Breath Therapy: InnerCamp, juuni 2023
Master of Laws: Maastricht University, January 2018

The story and vision of Expand with Nele and OÜ Kosmiline Ingel (Cosmic Angel)

Symbolism of Cosmic Angel and why expansion is so important to me

In the summer of 2023, when I first started thinking about starting a company, there were two names that almost immediately popped into my head – Cosmic Angel for the company name and Expand with Nele as a brand.

Cosmic Angel was a name that I was not ready for. At that time I cared too much about other people’s opinions and felt like I would be judged or ridiculed for this name, that it was “too spiritual and otherworldly”, would people think that I consider myself an angel, etc. At that point, I didn’t yet establish the company either and so it went. I established the company in November 2023 with the business name Nele’s Magic instead. But as I went through a huge rebirth process during summer 2024, Cosmic Angel started to call to me again and I changed the business name, which opened a new, purer and more spiritual level in my activities.

Before changing the name I received a download that Cosmic Angel symbolizes the higher spiritual and cosmic nature of all of us, the inner wisdom and guide who guides us on our soul path. In addition, Cosmic Angel symbolizes the bringing dualities, multifacetedness and contradictions into the embodiment of wholeness in this earthly incarnation.

As for Expand with Nele, I created an e-mail and Instagram account with this name already in summer 2023. But in the meantime I got caught up in the teachings of “the right way” to do business and marketing, and ended up deleting that account. Similarly with Cosmic Angel, when I went through my rebirth in summer 2024, the name Expand with Nele started to call me again as I myself had also expanded exponentially in a year and realised that expansion of consciousness is the most important part of the work I do with people.

Expand with Nele was created with a vision to support women in self-discovery, self-liberation and expansion of consciouscness. I prefer long-term 1:1 collaboration as it allows us to go deep and cater to your specific needs. I help you to get unstuck from the past, limiting programs & beliefs and look at your shadow so that your light can shine through. In addition, I help you align with your soul and create a vibrant life in accordance with your heart. All so that you can start to see and embody more of your own light and uniqueness, and feel free to live and express yourself as your most authentic self.

In September 2024 I realised that the work I’ve done so far has been mostly with cycle breakers. I realised it is an important mission we have chosen in this life to break the negative patterns and cycles of our ancestors, expand our consciousness and forge a new path for ourselves as well as the generations to follow. This became my renewed mission statement.


Core values

Authenticity : I believe that every soul must first of all stay true to themselves. I respect the uniqueness and uniqueness of each soul.
Freedom: Working with me, you will start to feel more free to live and express yourself and your talents in a way that is unique to you. You become more empowered to express your creativity and magic.
Wholeness: I help you accept and integrate different parts of yourself so that you start to awaken to your wholeness and unity with all there is.

Our vision of transformation

Through versatile practices and personalized coaching, I support clients on their journey to get closer to themselves, their uniqueness, talents and creative power.

Personalized coaching

My primarily one-to-one approach ensures that each client receives personalized support and assistance on their unique path closer to their soul. In coaching, I use several tools such as breathwork, meditation, visualisation that help connect body, mind and soul.

Addressing root causes

Through root cause therapy, we delve deep into the roots of your problems, giving you the opportunity to get rid of your blockages and limiting beliefs for good, and open up more to your own inner power and magic.

Versatile support

When working with clients, I consider it important to go beyond the level of the conscious mind, as it can often be deceptive. We also work with the subconscious mind and, in addition to the mind level, with the body, emotional and spiritual levels, which ensures a more holistic approach and sustainable changes.

Find more from my Instagram account

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