Root Cause Therapy

Root Cause Therapy


Have you tried to create changes in your life, but end up falling back into old patterns? Know what’s good for you, but can’t seem to keep it up?

The reason may lie in your subconscious and your level of consciousness. The level of consciousness is the energetic level where you currently vibrate according to your state. Your level of consciousness dictates how you see the world, what you consider possible, what you manifest in your life and how you think/feel/behave. In other words, your level of consciousness actually creates your reality – like a radio, where by turning to a certain frequency we receive the information that comes from that frequency.

Root cause therapy is a powerful and effective form of therapy that helps resolve unfinished/unprocessed emotions stuck in the subconscious and body from past traumas and programming, as well as related limiting beliefs and hindering behavior patterns. Since the low-frequency energies stuck there are released from the subconscious and the body, even one session raises your frequency and frees up resources for new paths and choices.

Root cause therapy is a powerful and effective form of therapy that helps to solve the root causes of your limiting beliefs, hindering patterns, negative behaviours and symptoms, allowing them to disappear for good. It does so by helping you process and feel the unfinished/unprocessed emotions stuck in your subconscious and body from the programming and traumatic experiences in the past. Since the low-frequency energies stuck there are released from the subconscious and the body, even one session raises your frequency and frees up resources for new paths and choices. In addition to the conscious mind (ordinary consciousness), the subconscious mind (subconscious) and the higher self (superconscious) are involved in the process. The client is always in charge of the session and the facilitator serves as a mediator communicating with the client’s subconscious and higher self.

Root cause therapy helps you get closer to yourself by identifying unconscious patterns, beliefs and repressed emotions that influence your thoughts and behavior, and resolving them at the root level so that the focus comes from the past to the present, the patterns can no longer be repeated and your consciousness can expand. This process increases self-awareness and presence, releases internal conflicts, trauma and programming, raises emotional intelligence, corrects distorted beliefs, etc. It allows you to understand and accept your true nature, achieving greater freedom and wholeness.

Among other things, you can achieve the following:

  1. Resolving limiting beliefs and negative patterns for good: One of the main goals of a root cause therapy session is to free yourself from the chains of your past that have limited and hindered you until now. Root cause therapy helps to identify and change unconscious programs that have created negative habits, behavior patterns and limiting beliefs. Root cause therapy therefore allows you to access and realize your potential, align with your heart and begin to enjoy your life more.
  2. Permanent healing and resolution for past wounds and traumas: Root cause therapy is a form of guided self-healing that helps you find and heal internal wounds and traumas that have caused fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, anger, sadness and other unpleasant emotions. The root cause therapy session is guided by the client’s higher self, so the session draws on your own inner wisdom and healing abilities that we all have. Since the work takes place simultaneously on all levels (conscious and unconscious mind, body, emotional, spiritual level), it enables the issues to be resolved permanently.
  3. Increased self-confidence and self-awareness: Root cause therapy is not only a method of solving problems, but also an opportunity to get to know and understand yourself better. Root cause therapy helps you discover your hidden potential, talents and resources that have been suppressed and unused. Working through problems helps to build optimism and self-confidence by learning new ways to deal with emotions, problems and situations. Root cause therapy increases self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-love, reduces anxiety, strengthens healthy coping mechanisms, and increases overall well-being and satisfaction with your life.
  4. Deeper understanding and connection with yourself: Root cause therapy helps you shed masks, inauthentic layers and everything that isn’t really you to reveal the magical, magnetic, free and radiant version of you that you really have always been underneath it all. Since the facilitator mediates communication with your higher self during the session, your contact with your higher self will strengthen in the course of the sessions. It also allows you to better separate yourself from your thoughts and feelings, ego, programming and other layers that might be active in everyday life, and start creating your life from the level of your higher self.
  5. Emotional release and growth of emotional intelligence: Through timeline regression, which is part of the root cause therapy process, you can release emotions trapped in the body and subconscious in a safe and held space. A root cause therapy session gives you the ability to make note of feelings and emotions in your body, to distinguish and name them, to feel and understand their connections with events that have taken place in your life. This skill will be transferred from the session to your life, and in addition to being able to cope better with your own emotions, your empathy and social skills will also evolve.
  6. Expansion of consciousness: The level of consciousness is an energetic level where we are currently vibrating according to our state. Our level of consciousness dictates how we see the world, what we consider possible, what we manifest in our lives and how we think/feel/behave – like a radio, where by turning to a certain frequency we receive information that comes from that frequency. In other words, our reality actually corresponds to our level of consciousness. A root cause therapy session makes your subconscious, ordinary consciousness and superconscious cooperate with each other, and through resolving limitations at the root level, it purifies the subconscious, which helps you raise your level of consciousness towards love, joy and peace.
  7. Understanding and integrating shadow aspects: The shadow refers to the qualities in humanity and ourselves that we think are not worthy of love – because of the pain and shame we have either experienced or witnessed. We have separated these aspects from ourselves and hidden them in our “shadow”. This fragmentation creates low self-esteem at the subconscious level. Root cause therapy is a wonderful way to look at your shadow with care and ease and integrate shadow aspects. In this way, we can also take back our gifts and positive qualities. Shadow work helps us to greater wholeness and thereby helps us feel free to be ourselves and frees up resources for bigger creations.

We identify active limiting beliefs through muscle testing, which is a good way to communicate directly with the subconscious mind. In each session, we use a testing sheet that gives us tangible and verifiable data, based on which we can see progress and set priorities. Upon addressing each limiting belief, we ask for permission from the unconscious mind and higher self, who always know how much we are ready to see, accept and heal, so the process is always safe for you and held by your own energies.

As it is a very deep modality that reprograms the subconscious and the neural pathways of the brain, at least a week of integration time is required after each session. Each person’s situation and condition is of course different, but in order to create permanent change in your state and expand your levels of consciousness, it is recommended to do at least four sessions (you can find packages from the e-shop).

After purchase/ booking an appointment, I will send you an intake form / questionnaire, which lays the foundation for our smooth cooperation.

See you at the session!



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